Central Lakes College (CLC)


Education Arts, Culture & Music Theatres & Movies


Two-year liberal arts and technical programs. Business and Industry Center with education and consulting for small businesses. Live college theatre productions.


Jody Longbella
Executive Assistant-President's Office

Jon Aga
Associate Vice President of Advancement

Jill Albie
Career Counselor

Mrs. Joy Bodin
VP of Academic & Student Affairs

Jennifer Brose
Assistant Director TRIO Upward Bound

Dr. Hara Charlier

Kari Christiansen
VP of Administrative Services

Leon Dahlvang
Instructor, Graphic Arts

Gae Davis
Law Enforcement Program Faculty

Jeff Dirks
Horticulture Instructor

Kenn Dols
Senior Director of Marketing

Sheila Edin
Accounts Payable

Jodi Elness
Academic Advisor

Janet Gontarek
Career Project Coordinator

Nick Heisserer
Dean of Brainerd Technical Programs & Grants

Mark Johnson
Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs

Karna Kurtz
Vice President of Human Resources & Culture

Kristi Lane
Director of Human Resources

John Maleski
Heavy Equipment Instructor

Amy Matter-Hines
Foundation Assistant

Greg Medeck
Director of Athletics Faculty Instructor

Anji Mousseau
Heavy Equipment Program Coordinator

Dr. Cheryl Norman
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs

Jessie Perrine
Communications Coordinator

Paul Preimesberger
Dean of Enrollment Management & Student Success

Mary Sam
Dean of Students, Equity, and Inclusion

Amanda Small
TRIO Upward Bound Advisor, Equity & Inclusion Comp

Tambera Topp

Dawn Verdon
Medical Assistant Instructor

Theri Wasniewski

Stacy Zeigler
Customized Training Coordinator

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