Actors Repertory Theatre
Arts, Culture & Entertainment
“Actors” is the first word in our company’s name. That’s because we believe in actors. In their ability to captivate an audience. To bring the written word to life. To take the audience on a journey they will always remember. We start with actors and we finish by making actors the focal point of our work. We are committed to presenting the finest area actors who will commit to our vision and our work.
We also believe in giving back to the community, as a show of thanks for all the community has given and continues to give to us. Each of our productions will have a direct tie-in with an identified need in the community. We will dedicate our performances to that need, and humbly ask you, the audience, to participate in giving to that need.
We fully realize there are numerous organizations in the area producing theatre. It is not our intent to compete with or attempt to overshadow the work of these organizations. Rather, we hope to add one more outlet for actor and audience alike to experience the unique wonder of live theatre.
Actors Repertory Theatre is dedicated to the ART of theatre.